CEO Rachel Formaro Explains How Streamlined Project Management Can Lead to Cost Savings In the Long Run

As clients embark on the journey of a new project, they soon encounter a fork in the road. Should they take a familiar route and work with in-house teams or a less-traveled path of engaging an external professional services firm? At this pivotal intersection, business leaders are often concerned about the cost implications of the second path.

Here, our CEO Rachel Formaro serves as a compass to help you navigate your course. She explains ways in which Collabry’s consultants can bring you toward your project’s true north—and how that can save time and money in the long run.

We hit the ground running:

“Chances are, we’ve seen a project similar to yours before,” explains Rachel. “We have a repository of tried-and-true templates, approaches, and checklists that can be easily customized to align with the unique needs of each client. With Collabry, you’re not starting from scratch.”

Rachel is quick to add, however, that Collabry is, above all, a boutique firm that tailors solutions to the unique situation of each client—no cookie-cutter solutions here. “Yet we also recognize the importance of not reinventing the wheel,” she says. After all, time is money, and by minimizing set-up time, we ultimately save our clients money. 

No “vendor syndrome” with Collabry:

Clients often wonder just how engaged an outside consultant will be. To sidestep this pitfall (known as “vendor syndrome”), Collabry works as supplier-partner. “We’re dedicated to establishing a collaborative relationship from day one,” says Rachel. “Our deep dive into your business is bolstered by our extensive experience, particularly in the financial services sector. This ensures we’ll make a meaningful impact from the outset.”

We’ll keep the train on the track:

An in-house project team can get pulled in many other directions. Sometimes they have other fires to put out; other times, office politics impedes someone from speaking out in a way that could avoid costly mistakes. “Being a few degrees removed from the client organization, our consultants can proactively and unbiasedly anticipate roadblocks while remaining sharply focused on the objective,” says Rachel.

We’re the one holding the bag:

Staffs change. Key employees move on. Reorgs happen. “We like to call ourselves ‘bitter-enders,’” says Rachel. “We’ll be the point person from A to Z until it’s done.” Along the way, your Collabry consultant will keep all deliverables in one place, make sure all issues are being tracked and resolved on a timely basis, and drive alignment across all the various stakeholders. 

And we’ll stay until the “bitter end” morphs into the sweetness of success.

To find out how Collabry can help you with your next project, contact us.


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