Code of Conduct

Collabry is committed to conducting business in an ethical, legal, and socially responsible manner. The Collabry Code of Conduct (“Code”) defines the basic requirements for Collabry employees, vendors, independent contractors/consultants, and clients, which constitute our community. Our community members are expected to fully comply with this Code and all applicable laws, rules, and regulations of the countries in which they operate and in turn, apply a similar code of conduct to their own employees and suppliers. Discriminatory remarks, harassment, and threats of violence or similar inappropriate or unlawful conduct will not be tolerated and may lead to the termination of the relationship. 

No Tolerance for Discrimination 

  • Promote equal employment and business opportunities irrespective of race, religion, age, nationality, skin color, gender, gender identity, disability, pregnancy, marital status, political affiliation, military status, or sexual orientation. ​

  • Commit to actively support under-represented people and groups.

Respect for Human Rights   

  • Treat all employees with respect and dignity.  ​

  • Regard each individual’s privacy and rights. ​

  • Prohibit violent behavior including mental cruelty, harassment, discrimination, gestures, language, physical contact, and exploitation.  


  • Corruption or bribery, in any form, will not be tolerated.   ​

  • Must comply with all laws and regulations on bribery, corruption, and prohibited business practices.​

  • No gifts or offers of gifts to influence business decisions.  Gifts should be infrequent and not substantial in value. ​

  • May offer entertainment so long as it is reasonable and customary in scale and expense, and in furtherance of the business relationship.  ​

  • Follow gift giving and receiving guidelines stated by clients. 

Compliance with the Law 

  • Comply with applicable laws and regulations in all areas where community members conduct business. ​

  • Conduct business in a way that distinguishes your ethical standards and establishes controls to satisfy them. 

Social Media

  • You are welcome to identify yourself as a consultant of Collabry​

  • However, note that your posts express only your personal opinions and not those of Collabry as appropriate.​

  • Refrain from posting discriminatory remarks, harassment, threats of violence or similarly inappropriate or unlawful conduct.​

Management System

  • Maintain documentation necessary to demonstrate compliance with this Code. ​

  • Notify Collabry of any violations to this Code, any regulatory inquiries, audits, reviews or investigations. Such notice shall be provided as soon as reasonably possible upon knowledge of such incident.  ​