Who we serve.

We are here for you! We value our clients’ trust in us and are committed to protecting their proprietary information. We follow strict security protocols and maintain the highest level of confidentiality to ensure that our clients' privacy is always safeguarded. So, forgive us for being light on the specific details for each project, but we’re very proud of the results and ongoing relationships we enjoy. 


  • “I love working with both of them. They’re attentive listeners and keen on seeing through the fog of this project. They both are so professional and are helping us to move the ball forward. They are helping to keep track of 10,000 deliverables! I’d welcome any chance to work with them!”

  • “Jill is a highly valued member of our consulting team. Her strategic thinking and planning along with her executive communication skills are second to none. She is the most requested resource from our executive leadership team.”​


  • "As we head toward a major milestone with our project next week, I wanted to recognize you for the sheer amount of work you've accomplished in a short time. You have without question played a critical role in keeping this project on track and moving in the right direction at all times."

  • “I was just remarking to someone yesterday that there is no way I would have been able to do the two jobs I’m now tasked with if Valencia wasn’t here. I trust her to get things done.

  • “Delighted with Lisa’s work, adaptability, communication, and enthusiasm!”

  • “Thom, thanks again for your leadership on this effort. Your execution is flawless and much appreciated!”

  • "I want to thank you for your hard work and dedication on this project. You were thrown into the deep end of the pool and did a fantastic job. I'm sure you'll be back on another project soon."


  • "The Blu Pagoda/Collabry team is amazing – total rockstars"

  • “Ani GETS. THINGS. DONE! ... She is THE go-to person not just for our team, but for all of our stakeholders. I don’t know how she does it, but I am SO grateful that she does. We would be absolutely, completely, and devastatingly lost without her.”

  • “I’m not sure where we would be without [Tony] keeping us organized, focused and on track. You were literally the backbone of our various workstreams, and that was quite the task for a 3+ year project with as many moving parts and low key chaos as we had. I still don’t know how you managed all those horizontals and verticals.”

  • “Natalie is a consummate pro and trusted thought partner. Her deliberative, detail oriented yet agile approach is invaluable. She has an incredible talent at ingesting reams of both quantitative/qualitative data and synthesizing into a cohesive story. Invaluable!”

  • “I really appreciate your approach to project management – I knew why we were doing things, how best to do them, and when you needed them by. And now that we’re almost done, it’s nice to look back and see that we did a good job creating resources that we can refer back to if we need to. That’s all thanks to you.”