DEIB is a verb.

At Collabry, our stance on diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB) flows from our mission — doing good and being good to one another. We want everyone to feel valued for being their authentic selves. To wipe out discrimination, -isms, and -phobias at all levels, we’ve made a conscious decision to be a part of the solution and reflect the world we want to see in our business — one that is diverse, fair, and inclusive.

Being part of the solution means ensuring people from diverse backgrounds feel welcome, recognized, and appreciated. We actively encourage and maintain a Judgement-Free Zone at Collabry holding monthly Courageous Conversation meetings, sponsored by our DEIB Council. These meetings provide space for our entire team to share their thoughts and opinions freely and honestly, without fear of criticism or ridicule, and where we can all learn from one another’s perspectives. We allow for disagreement with respect and consideration.

It’s important that our intentions result in the best outcome for ALL. We actively recruit consultants and work with clients who share our inclusive philosophy and are willing to address bias and seek fairness. We consider our DEIB efforts integral to delivering on our mission of making life easier for our clients, providing meaningful work for our consultants, and supporting economic growth in our communities.

We extend our philosophy on DEIB outside the company by putting our money where our mouth is: supporting minority-owned businesses and contributing charitable dollars to organizations that reflect our values. We support community organizations with a dual focus on elevating underrepresented communities and impoverished people. We believe in building awareness and fostering systemic change by addressing the intersection of environmental and economic policies that affect human well-being.