Why We Never Get Emails from Rachel on Evenings and Weekends—Plus Other Ways Our CEO Mitigates Stress for Herself and Her Team

April is National Stress Awareness Month, which is designed to bring attention to the ways in which stress can have a negative impact on our lives, as well as how we can manage the stress that will inevitably come our way. In recognition of this month, we asked Collabry CEO Rachel Formaro to share some ways in which she deals with the stress of running a company while also helping others on her team lessen the stress.

How do you avoid stress?

There are always going to be stressors—but I have a few tactics I use to help alleviate stress before it gets to me. First, I meditate: After I get my daughter to school, and before I even look at my first email, I use meditation to help me make the transition to the workday. At the end of each day, I prepare for the next day. I establish my top three priorities for the next day and take note of which conversations I’ll be having and with whom.

I’ve also learned the importance of moving stress through the body—doing Pilates really helps me with this. Other pastimes help as well. I’ve become fascinated with astrology as a mind-opening way to gain perspective on the world’s rhythms and cycles. Plus, I’m in a feminist book club—we talk about books, but we’re all business owners as well. The sense of community and support for one another is huge. I rarely let anything interfere with that time! 

You oversee a lot of consultants on a great variety of projects. As CEO, your company’s name is on the line with everything they do. How can that not be stressful?

The key is to have an amazing team. Our consultants are at the top of their games. They’ve been on the client’s side before, they have the experience, and they know what to deliver. Having that level of expertise on our team is part of my antistress plan!

I also have great confidence in the wholeness of our team. I know our consultants don’t work alone—others in our organization can help them navigate if the waters get choppy. Each consultant has different skills, and we all take advantage of the years of experience of the collective. Knowing that we have this vast network of knowledge and experience at Collabry really helps cut down on stress.

How do you help your team members mitigate stress?

I encourage consultants and employees of all ages to take breaks, vacations, and mental health days when they need them, and I model that behavior as well. I never email the team on weekends or evenings – I’ve established that as a norm for how we work.

We also strive to recognize the intersectionality of the people who work with us. Overall, we’re a GenX-heavy company, which is now the sandwich generation. For example, I’m a woman; I’m over 50, I’m a parent; I have an aging parent; I’ve lost a parent. So, we understand that there are times you’re going to have to take a child or parent to an appointment or time away to grieve a loss. We recognize that’s part of life and no one should be dinged for doing what they need to do during this challenging time in their lives.

For more information on how to assess and manage stress, visit the American Institute of Stress website.


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