5 Ways To Become an Effective Ally and Advocate at Work

In today's workplace, it's crucial for everyone to partake in promoting Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB), ideally starting at the very top! Regardless of your title, your role as an ally and advocate for underrepresented groups can foster a supportive, inclusive, and welcoming workplace culture for all colleagues, clients, and employees. Here are five tips on how to become an effective ally and advocate in the workplace:

  1. Educate yourself – To be an effective ally and advocate, educating yourself on the experiences and challenges underrepresented groups face is essential. This can include reading articles and books, attending training sessions and workshops, and seeking other opportunities to learn from colleagues from diverse backgrounds.

  2. Listen and learn – As an ally and advocate, active listening is crucial. Listen to the experiences and perspectives of underrepresented groups. This can involve actively seeking feedback and input and being open to constructive criticism and feedback. Ask a colleague out for coffee to chat and get to know one another; there will surely be differences and commonalities, both big and small.

  3. Say something – When you see or hear something not inclusive or supportive of underrepresented groups, don't be afraid to speak up and say something. This can involve addressing bias or discrimination, advocating for more diverse and inclusive policies and practices to leaders and management, or simply supporting underrepresented colleagues in their career development.

  4. Use your privilege and influence – As an ally and advocate, you can use your privilege and influence to promote DEIB in, and even outside, the workplace. This can involve using your position of power to advocate for underrepresented groups or using your influence to raise up the voices of those who may not have the same level of visibility or access as you do.

  5. Consider hiring a professional – There is plenty more strategy and guidance needed for successful and sustainable outcomes than these initial steps provide. While they are an excellent starting point, think about hiring a professional diversity consultant who can help you implement new diverse, and inclusive policies to drive long-term positive business changes. When you’re ready for this step, Collabry can help.

Valencia Gibson, a project management consultant, Collabry DEIB council member, and DEIB workshop facilitator shares what she loves about the above steps: “They are foundational opportunities that everyone and anyone can do. While these are seemingly small actions, they can have a profound impact on an organization.”

By actively promoting DEIB in the workplace, you can help create a workplace culture that embraces diversity and inclusivity for everyone and lead with a positive example for others to follow.


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