How we work. ​

We’re delighted that you’re interested in working with Collabry—a consulting company doing business differently.

Here are some facts about us:  

  • We have more than 50 dedicated consultants, with 80% having been with us for at least three years.

  • We believe in the strength of diversity—including different backgrounds, ages, cognitive and physical diversity—and our team reflects those differences.

  • Our expertise is in financial services and tech, particularly when it comes to implementing new experiences, products, platforms, regulations, and communications. This helps us to ramp up quickly.

  • We are flexible and we can scale—from filling a need for one consultant at 15-40 hours per week to a team of consultants. From a month-long engagement to a multi-year program.

  • Because our solutions are bespoke, we aim to fit the needs of our clients while being cost-conscious.

  • We’re focused but collegial. We work hard but keep it engaging. We aim for our consultants to be a complement and extension of your team.

  • We support our consultants so they can take the best care of you and your projects.

Getting Started with Collabry: A Quick Guide

  • We’re good listeners—right from the get-go. In a 30-45 minute meeting, we’ll listen for what is at the heart of your unique situation: the project goals, challenges, deliverables, skill set needs, stakeholder nuances, funding, budget, etc. This meeting includes Rachel and perhaps a senior consultant.

  • Next, we’ll do a follow up meeting of about 30 minutes to review our tailored engagement proposal with you, make any changes or edits based on any new information, and ensure it is something you can work with internally to secure the green light to move ahead.

  • Once you’ve confirmed we’re ready to move ahead, we’ll draft a Work Order and send it to you—and/or your corporate vendor management office—for any edits and then final signature.

  • Hooray! At this stage we have a signed Work Order and the vendor partner administrative steps are complete.

  • Now the fun begins. Working with your schedule, we arrange a kick-off meeting for team introductions and next steps.

  • Once the consulting engagement is under way, a member of our leadership team will meet with you according to your schedule to be sure that you’re having a good experience working with us and that all is going as expected (or better!) with your consultant team.

    And that’s it! That’s how you get started with Collabry. Ready for your discovery meeting?

From Making the Call to Project Kickoff: The First Steps to Success