Blu Pagoda is now Collabry

A decade ago, we knew that there had to be a way to do business differently, so that the idea of work wasn’t a zero-sum game but a true collaboration of impact and inclusivity. In the past years, Blu Pagoda has been synonymous with expertise, empathy, and a relentless commitment to delivering exceptional results.  

We admit too that the name has also been bit of a curiosity with a long list of creative misspellings and pronunciations. We are thrilled to unveil our new name that speaks to who we are but also sets the stage for the future we continue to envision – a high-performing collective of consultants and communications experts who care for each other and the world. We are Collabry. (co-LAB-ree) 

We have always believed that true success is not achieved in isolation, but through collaboration. Our rebrand is much more than a cool new logo or a fabulous palette (but it is that too!); it’s a reaffirmation of our commitment to working together with our partners and clients as an extension of their teams. Simply put, our purpose is to provide the expertise and empathy that enable our clients, consultants, and communities to flourish.  

Whether it’s crafting and executing on highly complex technical change management projects, advising, and leading through regulatory challenges or developing communication strategies and marketing assets, we thrive on being of service. Our consultants, for many reasons, have chosen this life. Our agenda is your success or, as we like to say: We’re good together.  

With our rebrand, we aim to create the world of work we want to see—one that values human connection, celebrates diversity, and prioritizes both excellence and compassion. We continue our tradition of Courageous Conversations, of ongoing education, of local community support. Now, we do that with the friendly, reliable, dynamic voice of Collabry.  

Visit our website to learn more about the work we do and how we do it. We’d love to collaborate with you! 


Embrace the F Word


Consultant Spotlight: Katherine Cleghorn, Editorial Services and Project Manager