Collabry Celebrates Earth Day

First of all — from all of us at Collabry, Happy Earth Day!

This year’s Earth Day theme is Restore Our Earth. The idea behind this theme is that while disease (hello there, COVID-19), our changing climate, and environmental destruction may break our hearts and bring back painful memories of the harm caused, Restore Our Earth also means there are so many opportunities that lie ahead — and the opportunities that each one of us can contribute to.

What the Collabry team is doing every day
When I asked our team what they and their families are doing to support our earth, I was thrilled to learn of the involvement, care, and commitment they model every day:

·         Beekeeping

·         Driving electric and hybrid vehicles

·         Composting and recycling

·         Buying local produce from organic farms

·         Trail cleanup

·         Homes powered with 100% renewable resources

·         Walking more and driving less

To say I’m impressed is an understatement!

Supporting Earth Day — and beyond
Collabry attracts the inspired, generous talent it does because we all live by a similar moral code: to give back to our communities and the earth. We do this through our Giving Tuesdays, where Collabry (and sometimes our team and clients, too!) donates funds to causes recommended by our consultants. The list of recipients includes organizations such as the Equal Justice Society, the Central Texas Food Bank, and the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle. Collabry is also a member of 1% for the Planet, giving back 1% of our revenues for sustainability purposes.

Three things you can do
There are so, so many things we can do every day, with little effort and time. Here are three to get you started:

·         Make an earth-supportive sign for your office or home window

·         Prepare or buy a plant-based meal

·         Vote for issues that celebrate and protect the environment

Committing to a few consistent things will make a huge difference to our Mother Earth. We’d love to hear your ideas.


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