Consultant Spotlight: Faith Garlington, Strategic Consultant and Project Manager

Any successful tech transformation needs someone who can not only innovate but can also serve as a fluent translator between the tech team and the end users.

That’s one of Faith Garlington’s many fortes. While xe has spent the past 15 years serving in Saas/Cloud/Digital spaces, xe has also worked in education, non-profits, social justice, and sales. Being both a developer and user of complex technologies in a variety of professions gives xir an exceptional ability to shift perspectives and understand the sometimes-competing priorities of various stakeholders.

“I've worn so many different hats in my career that I can step into any project and see opportunities to improve immediately,” says Faith. “I’m a great mediator, and I take quick action to get results.”

While Faith is dedicated to helping clients build momentum for new projects, xe is equally passionate about maximizing efficiency for existing programs. Xe’s a proven thought partner for clients on what’s working well and what can be improved, and xe’s quick to investigate real possibilities for incremental enhancements.

Faith is also dedicated to making changes—both grand and incremental—that help improve the lives of others. Xir first dive into SaaS/fintech was as a volunteer fellow for a microfinance institution in rural Bamenda, Cameroon, where xir work resulted in ensuring that clients understood the loans and repayment terms they signed up for. Since 2012, Faith has been on the Board of Directors for Peace Brigades International, a nonviolent peace accompaniment organization with branches in over 20 countries. Xe is a foster parent to a nine-year-old and two 20-year-olds who previously experienced housing insecurity. Faith is also raising xir biological son to be a global citizen, which includes his enrollment in Mandarin immersion school.

Faith currently lives in San Francisco, where xe is an active leader in an SF Bay Area network of community houses. Xe is the co-founder of xir co-living community, which comprises nine members who share just one car, and xe loves living 1.5 blocks from the iconic Painted Ladies in Alamo Square Park and walking to different restaurants to try new cuisines.

Faith also loves living in a city whose LGBTQ culture and acceptance are so mainstream. “Exploring my gender identity and encouraging family members to do the same are encouraged and normalized,” xe says.


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