Consultant Spotlight: Keith Goodlett, Senior Consultant

With more than 25 years of experience, senior consultant Keith Goodlett has a proven ability to deliver significant returns for the multinational financial firms he’s served. Yet Keith firmly believes his achievements aren’t merely the results of his biz-tech acumen; rather his ability to connect with and motivate a team is a key part of his professional portfolio. He has a knack for presenting complex concepts and tasks in ways that make team members confident about the journey ahead.

Keith’s knack for building confidence is honed from his own experiences as someone who has taken a few leaps of faith himself. Hailing from landlocked Nebraska, Keith embarked on a journey of personal growth when he first learned to swim at the age of 40. Did he mind looking like a rank beginner, in his trunks and swim floaties, when he hired an instructor at the local health club to give him swimming lessons? Not one bit.

In fact, not any more than he minded going back to school to get a master’s in marketing degree just a few years ago — after more than two decades of impressive work experience.

Keith’s willingness to be a novice at something he wants to/needs to accomplish has served him well as a project manager. He understands that venturing into uncharted waters (both figuratively and literally!) can be scary. Just as Keith learned to navigate the pool’s deep end, he deftly guides his teams through the complexities of projects, helping them visualize potential obstacles and supporting them in finding viable solutions.

Keith lives in Oakland, California, where he enjoys a great network of good friends in this down-to-earth city. He also travels often to spend time with his family, sometimes back to Omaha, sometimes taking trips with them elsewhere in the world. And speaking of trying new things: On a recent trip to Nebraska, his family suggested going to a sushi restaurant. Keith loves sushi … but in Omaha? Of course, being Keith, he gave it a go. Turns out, even the Cornhusker State can roll up some seriously good sushi! “It was some of the best sushi I’d ever had!” he says.

It’s just one more way that embracing new experiences has served Keith well.


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