Consultant Spotlight: Lisa Gaikins-Glover, Project Manager

“This is my circus, and these are my monkeys,” asserts project manager Lisa Gaikins-Glover, encapsulating her winning approach to project engagement. Beyond her twist on a catchy slogan lies a profound commitment to project ownership, fueled by her insatiable curiosity.

“I really like the digging part of any project. There’s always something deep under the surface that’s going to bust the project wide open,” she says.

Indeed, give Lisa 15 minutes, and she’ll take … 30. That’s because soon, even the busiest team member finds that once they get on Lisa’s train, they’re not in any real hurry to get off. They find immediate comfort in talking to her, sensing that the questions she poses are not just routine time-eaters, but a strategic move propelling the project forward.

Even team members who think they’re too busy to talk to Lisa quickly discover otherwise. She goes the extra mile, both figuratively and literally, offering to talk to key players in hallways as they’re walking from one meeting to the next or even on their way to the parking lot. Lisa is relentless in her pursuit of the information she needs, and she’ll do what it takes to keep the project moving along.

One of her recent projects involved a client divesting a business in the billions. Lisa played a pivotal role in navigating the due diligence process, and managing prospective buyers and their myriad questions. Her ability to identify and connect with the right people to answer those questions, whether on the core project team or beyond, made all the difference.

Lisa also thrives on creating an upbeat atmosphere that fosters connections and collaboration, making each day an adventure for her team and herself. “Every day is not about ‘What do we have to do today?’ but rather, ‘What do we get to do today?’” she says. This can be a breath of fresh air in the serious, high-stakes world of project management. 

Lisa lives in San Antonio, Texas, a place she loves for its civic beauty, multicultural makeup, and strong community bonds. “It’s a small town wrapped in a big city,” she says. “There’s a sense that everyone here is familia.” Lisa recounts a recent incident at her son’s school, where a family needed financial assistance, and the community rallied together with a collective “mi hijo es tu hijo” (my son is your son) mindset. According to Lisa, this city truly encapsulates that sense of unity.

That mindset extends to her own advocacy work. After serving as a foster parent for several years, she remains deeply committed to the well-being of children. Presently, she dedicates her time as a court-appointed special advocate, working on behalf of a child within the San Antonio foster care system. In her free time, she enjoys audiobooks — having completed 50 last year, she aims to reach 60 in the coming year.


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Consultant Spotlight: Maggie Rush Vinciguerra, Senior Consultant