Consultant Spotlight: Ahilya George

Ahilya is on it

Have you ever met someone and your first thought was “she really has her stuff together”? Ahilya George may be too modest to say as much, but when it comes to strategic, data-informed marketing, she is absolutely that person.

Ahilya has more than 20 years of marketing experience at top financial firms in senior-level roles that span strategy, marketing, campaign creation, and product management. She has been consistently recognized for leadership by colleagues at all levels.

Most recently, Ahilya was a Managing Director at a major U.S. financial firm, leading teams to develop and implement omnichannel marketing strategies. Their efforts resulted in significant growth in awareness and adoption of investment, banking, and advisory products. What sets Ahilya apart is her ability to lead with great humanity while taking a data-driven approach to the work itself. “We are fortunate to have so much data to inform our work,” she says, “but you still have to be clear on what you are trying to accomplish.”

For Ahilya, the need to be of service has shaped her journey. It was in financial services marketing that she felt she could have the greatest impact, effectively helping people make the best decisions in a sometimes confusing landscape. Her work in fixed income research in particular informed her approach: “I wanted to ensure I was providing something beyond a cosmetic fix, but really helping people get to a sustainable strategic approach.”

Ahilya is a huge fan of her adopted state, Colorado, and was looking for ways to give back and further deepen her roots there by using her economics background. She was appointed Commissioner to the Colorado Limited Gaming Control Commission, which regulates casino gaming and sports betting in Colorado. In this role, Ahilya conducts hearings and oversees licenses, fees, and taxes. “I can understand the pros and cons of having gaming in state from an economic perspective,” she says. “I try to remain curious and focus on how gaming can impact our communities.”

Colorado is special to her as well for simple pleasures of mountain views and fresh air. It’s a long way from her native India or early home of Dubai. It’s even a long way from her alma mater of the University of Pennsylvania. Ahilya has a global yet grounded approach. “I’ve enjoyed aspects of every place I’ve lived. It’s not either/or, but yes, and.... It’s about having a strong foundation and the ability to adapt.”

Collabry is a natural professional home for an experienced, multidimensional consultant like Ahilya who thrives on challenges and community. If you have a project that could use a thoughtful pro like Ahilya, let’s talk.


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