From Buzzkill to New Best Friends: How Compliance Teams Can Make Your Corporate Communications the Best They Can Be

Let’s face it. For those of us who spend our time crafting creative and effective marketing and communications campaigns and love what we do, compliance can be a bit of a buzzkill. Does anyone actually enjoy sifting through all the dos and don’ts of myriad laws and regulations?

Well, yes, in fact, some people do. The pros in compliance thrive on sleuthing through legalities and ethics to keep the organization from descending into embarrassing regulatory chaos (or worse). Rather than envisioning them as a tough team of rule enforcers ready to axe your best ideas with red sharpies clenched in their iron fists, think of them as true allies in all things marketing and communications.

The trick is to recognize not only what they can do for you but to know how best to partner with them for the most successful results. Our CEO Rachel Formaro, who has worked with compliance departments throughout her 25-plus year career, offers these suggestions:

Bring Donuts

Actually, you don’t have to bribe compliance teams with sweets and such. But it will help immensely if you recognize that you’re all on the same team. “I have friends who have worked in compliance—believe me, they don't want to always be the bad guy.” Approach them as the good guys they are.

Invite Them to the Table Early

Effective collaboration between compliance and communications teams needs to happen from the get-go. “Too often, I’ve seen clients delay bringing compliance on board until the copy is in its final stages,” says Rachel. This, she says, can result in a complete overhaul of a meticulously designed campaign, causing delays, inefficiencies, and frustration all around. Involve the compliance team at the communications-brief stage so you can align objectives and work collaboratively toward the common goal.

Bring in the Pros

Even with the best intentions all around, sometimes communications and compliance teams just don’t mesh. Conversations go circular, decisions don’t get made, and nothing happens. If that sounds familiar, the integration specialists at Collabry can help. “As a trusted and impartial third party, we get teams aligned and moving forward,” says Rachel. Collabry’s experienced consultants can offer fresh perspectives, resolve conflicts, streamline decision-making, and build trust among team members. Collabry can help you get everyone on board to craft communications that are innovative and impactful while dotting all i’s and crossing all t’s in the thorny (but necessary) realm of compliance.

Need help? Talk to us.


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