How To Take a Professional DIY Headshot

Picture this: you’re seeking new project engagement, and you’re asked for a headshot to be added to the agency website. Maybe you’re the type where it’s no big deal, and you already have a few professional headshots ready to send over. Or perhaps you’re the type that panics because you hate having your picture taken and have no idea what to even wear for such an occasion. I’ve got some good news if you fall into the latter category! 

Believe it or not, you and your camera phone are the only two things needed to create the perfect headshot with a quick (and fun!) photoshoot. I already know what you’re thinking - the quality will be inferior, and “selfies” are for teenagers. Rest assured, today’s smartphones make it easier than ever to take a quality professional headshot right at home. The newest smartphones are more than capable of capturing the perfect headshot without paying to have it done elsewhere. 

Here are some tips for anyone looking to save a few dollars and take professional selfies that look top-notch! It never hurts to have a trusted friend help you with some constructive feedback in the process – maybe even return the favor and help your friend with a new headshot of their own while you’re at it! And, of course, there is always the self-timer mode for a more traditional handheld selfie.


Utilize the portrait mode setting for optimal quality if your phone has it. If not, simply move the phone closer to you instead of using the zoom feature (zooming in too much lowers the overall image quality). 

Adjust camera settings to use the High Dynamic Range (HDR) mode for your best quality image. HDR combines all the best parts of separate exposures into one picture. The auto HDR feature can be turned on in your camera settings with iPhone models 4S or higher. The newest Android phones are equipped with HDR, also known as Rich Tone. If your iPhone or Android does not have HDR, a quick search for an HDR camera app may be helpful.

Tap the screen on your nose to focus on your face.  Wait, that didn’t come out quite right. Don’t tap your nose on the phone! Tap the screen with your finger where your nose is shown on-screen. You knew what I meant, right? Remember, no zooming; you can always crop your photo later when editing it (or if the new project engagement you’re seeking is with Collabry, we’re happy to do all the editing for you).


Outdoor locations are best. Natural sunlight is your best bet (avoid taking a photo with the sun directly in front of or behind you to prevent squinting and shadows). Be mindful of what’s in the background to avoid anything too busy (a street full of cars, people, reflections, mailboxes, streetlights, etc.). Keep it simple. A plain background is ideal. Go for a solid color backdrop (a wall, the sky’s horizon, you could even hang a solid-colored sheet up behind you if choosing to take a photo indoors).

Consider a ring light for indoor photoshoots (always take multiple photos to choose from). Ring lights are excellent at balancing light onto your face exactly where it’s needed to prevent shadows. No worries if you don’t have one, just face a window during the day (early morning or late afternoon lighting is best) to allow the natural light to do its job.

It’s all about the angle. Be sure to position the phone slightly higher than your eye line (not too high, and never too low). Experiment with different angles and somewhat various head/neck positioning. Remember, this is a headshot, simply stand up straight and smile – your face is the focus, you’re the star, and the business attire is optional.

Smile for the camera 101. I know firsthand it can sometimes be a challenge to smile on command for photos. Try to think of your favorite memories or something you’re excited about so that your eyes smile, too!

Now, what are you waiting for? Grab your phone, enlist a friend, and have some fun!


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