It Ain’t Over Until . . . Our Clients Are Positioned for Sustained Success

The consulting pros at Collabry know that reaching the finish line on a project isn’t truly the last lap. In fact, while successful project completion may be our first goal, it’s followed by a final stretch that’s just as important: We’re dedicated to making sure we’ve set clients up for ongoing success long after we, personally, have left the field. Our CEO, Rachel Formaro, shares some of the ways in which we do this.

1. Passing the Baton

To make sure all project artifacts are firmly in the hands of those who need them, we organize key documents in one location, such as a SharePoint site. Our highly organized project documentation approach ensures clients have what they need for future decision-making and problem-solving.

2. A Tactical Review

For larger projects, we run the extra mile by creating an observation document. This document tells the story of the project, including not only the facts and figures, but also the roles of each team member. That way, if future questions arise, the in-house point-people can be easily identified.

We also offer a compilation of insights and suggestions based on our experience during the project. For example, if a project relied on a cumbersome mode of communication, we might recommend transitioning to more efficient methods. The endpoint here is to provide clients with a valuable resource to guide their future initiatives and improvements beyond the project we worked on together.

3. Ongoing Coaching

We offer follow-up consultations after project completion and we also provide a number of complimentary conversations for any further clarification. This ensures that our clients have the support they need to maintain project success and address any challenges or uncertainties that come up.

4. Maintaining Your Meeting Momentum

We’ll help you organize your calendar and streamline project-related meetings. If a meeting series is set to continue beyond our engagement, we’ll help you smoothly transition its upkeep to the right person on your staff. We’ll also ensure that everyone knows the objectives of the meeting series, and we’ll help you identify its logical endpoint.

5. The Victory Lap

At the conclusion of each project, we focus on gratitude and acknowledgment by recognizing the efforts of all involved. Whether through an in-person party, a virtual event featuring project leaders on video, or a distributed thank-you message, we take the time to applaud the teamwork and dedication that made the project a triumph—for both our clients and our team.

To learn about more ways Collabry will set your team up for success—at all stages of the project—talk to us.


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