Eleanor Berntsen


    Eleanor Berntsen is a versatile professional with experience across various fields, including communications, administrative work, childcare, business ownership, and retail. However, her primary passion lies in her journey as an independent musician. Eleanor has been recording, releasing, and performing original music since the age of fourteen, demonstrating her dedication to creativity and expression.

    With a talent for self-starting initiatives, Eleanor consistently exceeds expectations by taking general direction and delivering exceptional results. Whether it’s developing and implementing marketing plans for companies like a pharmacogenetics company in Spain or orchestrating social media initiatives for political campaigns, she brings a unique blend of creativity and business acumen to Blu Pagoda.

    Eleanor is currently pursuing a degree in Music Leadership and Innovation at Berklee College of Music while exploring her interests in collaboration and innovation as a paid intern at Collabry. Originally from Des Moines, Iowa, Eleanor’s family has relocated multiple times between DSM and various cities in Indiana and Minnesota. In her free time away from work and school, Eleanor enjoys reading, crafting, and baking.