From Making the Call to Project Kickoff: The First Steps to Success with Collabry 

In a recent post, we discussed how to know when it’s time to hire a consultant. But once you’ve made the decision to bring in outside help, how do you kick-start the dialogue with your consultant team at Collabry? 

We asked our CEO Rachel Formaro to lead us through these early steps. 

“First and foremost,” Rachel says, “there’s one thing every prospective client should know at the outset. We’re here to be of service.” She explains that while some of our consultants might be fully committed to current projects, we’ll always have folks who are wrapping up with a client or ready and waiting to explore new opportunities.  

“Our capacity to take on new challenges is built-in,” she adds. And with a robust team of more than 50 experienced professionals, we collectively possess a diverse range of expertise, covering technical, strategic, and operational know-how, as well as fluency in marketing, DEI, and communications.  

That said, the first step to working with Collabry as a client—and finding the right consultant—is to contact us which will set the stage for the next step:  

Discovery, Part I  

The goal of this introductory phone conversation is for Rachel and her team to get a grasp of the current challenge and high-level scope of the project. During this time, they use their well-honed active listening skills to understand the project as well as the urgency of the matter at hand.  

Discovery Part II 

During this session, the Collabry team delves further into the project’s goals and objectives—as well as the specific hurdles that the client envisions on the path to success. These are the types of questions they’ll explore with you:  

  • What does success look like to you? 

  • Are there possible skills gaps that could impede the implementation and ongoing success of the project? 

  • What’s at stake? What will happen if this project is not done or is not successful? 

  • Are there ways you’ve already tried to address the issue at hand? 

  • Is your team experiencing any morale issues? 

  • How high a priority will this project have compared to other ongoing projects?  

  • What kind of leadership buy-in do you expect? 

  • What does the success of this project mean for you personally—and for your future with the company? 

After exploring the project’s objectives and pitfalls, Rachel and senior talent manager, Maria Enriquez, will embark on the next pivotal step: Identifying the right consultant mix. 

Howdy, pardner! 

After completing the Discovery phases, our leadership team meticulously selects a consultant or team that aligns with the project’s specific needs. In addition to the consultant’s expertise, we consider this person’s enthusiasm for the type of project. For instance, if the project involves policy and procedure documentation, we select consultants who possess not only the right skill set, but also genuine zeal for doing such work. 

“It’s not the most glamorous work,” says Rachel, “but we have consultants who are incredibly passionate about doing it.” 

Rachel and team will then present a short list to the client, allowing them to meet and interact with each potential consultant. While some clients appreciate this collaborative, tailored approach to choosing a team, others simply ask Rachel to choose the best consultant(s) for the job. 
“I can do that,” she says. In fact, she does this often, especially with long-term clients. 

Paperwork? Not a problem 

Once we’ve got the consultant team confirmed, we initiate the paperwork process. Don’t worry—we’ve got this! Because we’ve collaborated with supplier managers across all kinds of industries, we know how to make this potentially snag-filled process as smooth as can be. We’re as committed as you are to keeping the momentum going. 

And . . . we’re off! 

Once the paperwork is signed, we officially launch the project with a kickoff meeting. Here, we establish a detailed action plan, outlining everything from key deadlines and the major players and their roles, to the necessary prerequisites for every step.  

At this point, the consultant(s) becomes the client’s main contact; however, Rachel personally checks in with the client every five to six weeks to gather feedback and identify any necessary modifications or new considerations. 

“This helps me stay informed about the project’s overall alignment and ensures that our clients’ needs are continually met,” says Rachel. 

To further explore these important first steps on your journey to success, get in touch.


Consultant Spotlight: Valerie Toscano, Program and Project Manager


Consultant Spotlight: Diana Ceres, Editor and Writer