Consultant Spotlight: Diana Ceres, Editor and Writer

Anyone who’s ever had the great pleasure of bringing home a kitten knows that you never really know for sure what you’re getting. Take Diana Ceres—she has two cats with two completely different personalities. One kitten—Jupiter—grew into the most chill and laid-back cat, explains Diana, while the other—Sushi—is a perennial kitten, hilariously active and irresistibly mischievous.

Indeed, like kittens, editing projects can bring all kinds of surprises. “You never really know what you’re going to get until you open the file. And you’re never quite sure how it’s going to turn out until you roll up your sleeves and jump in.”

“But I love surprises,” Diana adds. “Which is probably why I adore cats—and editing.” She shares that she loves linguistic “puzzles” and actually thrives when things get challenging. “Like a cat, I always land on my feet.” No matter how rough the content or tight the deadline, she’ll make it work.

For each project, Diana moves from macro to micro—examining the appearance and flow of content on the page before moving on to tone and style. “I like to save the nitty-gritty of grammar and all that it entails for the end after I’ve had a chance to clean things up a bit.”

Diana has always been a “word nerd.” As a child, she grew up reading books and writing in her journals. She found her passion for editing in college—she was the person other students would turn to for help editing and writing. “It was gratifying (and fun!) to see how much I could help them improve their work.” 

Building on this early expertise, Diana has worked as a writer, editor, and ghostwriter for more than 25 years. She’s helped people craft everything from memoirs and business books to web copy and white papers. She’s not only a meticulous wordsmith but also a skilled translator. “I love matching the language, energy, and tone of each piece to ensure that it authentically represents the client and resonates with their intended audience.”

Got a challenging communications project on the horizon? Let Diana help you land on your feet.


From Making the Call to Project Kickoff: The First Steps to Success with Collabry 


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