Navigating the New SEC Money Fund Reforms: A Guide for Asset Managers

Written by guest blogger, Collabry Consultant, Mike Golaszewski:

On July 12, 2023, the SEC adopted significant amendments to the rules governing money market funds, with a primary focus on bolstering liquidity and promoting transparency. These reforms, chiefly targeting institutional prime and tax-exempt money market funds, came in response to the market disruptions experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic and the banking sector stresses observed in early 2023.

I’ve got a bit of experience with operationalizing these kinds of reforms, as I and several of my colleagues here at Collabry implemented the SEC’s 2015 money market rule changes for one of the country’s largest asset managers. For money market fund providers, these regulatory refinements herald a new era of adaptation. The key amendments include:

  • Mandatory liquidity fee framework for institutional prime and institutional tax-exempt money market funds, with a discretionary framework for non-government money market funds (including retail funds).

  • The removal of redemption gates, while retaining the discretion to impose liquidity fees for non-government money market funds.

  • Increased daily and weekly liquid asset requirements across the board.

  • Introduction of stable net asset value (NAV) mechanisms for certain funds, such as swing pricing and NAV buffer.

  • Enhanced reporting requirements on Forms N-CR and N-MFP, effective from October 2, 2023, and June 11, 2024, respectively.

The enactment of these reforms underscores a proactive approach toward ensuring a more resilient money market fund sector that can withstand future market shocks.

Preparing for the Reforms: A Practical Approach

Of course, any changes of this magnitude — coupled with a strict deadline from a regulator — require a bit of forethought, preparation, and planning. If you’re a money fund provider, here are some practical tips to get you started:

Regulatory Analysis:

  • Engage your legal team to interpret the new amendments.

  • Participate in industry forums to gain insights on compliance expectations.

Gap Analysis:

  • Conduct a thorough audit to identify compliance gaps.

  • Compare current liquidity management practices with the new requirements.

Impact Assessment:

  • Evaluate the financial and operational implications for your business.

  • Understand and socialize the impact on fund valuation and redemptions.

Client Experience Analysis:

  • Determine how your clients will experience any required changes to your products, services, or technology offers.

  • Identify opportunities to explain, educate, and prepare clients for these changes. 

Stakeholder Engagement:

  • Communicate with investors and employees about impending changes you’ll need to make.

  • Collect their feedback to refine your implementation strategy.

Implementation Planning:

  • Develop a detailed road map toward achieving compliance.

  • Allocate resources and set up some dedicated teams to manage the transition.

Monitoring and Reporting:

  • Ensure that you have continuous monitoring mechanisms in place.

  • Prepare for enhanced reporting requirements as stipulated by the SEC.

The shifting regulatory landscape calls for a proactive, strategic stance to maintain compliance without losing focus on operational efficiency. Mastering the nuances of these reforms demands not only a keen comprehension of the new mandates but also a proficient operational strategy for effective implementation and communication.

Collabry’s deep domain expertise in strategic consulting, product management, and regulatory program management positions us to provide insightful guidance and support to organizations navigating these regulatory changes. We blend regulatory compliance, technology integration, strategic implementation, client communication, and program management to become trusted partners in operationalizing these reforms.

For further discussions or insights on strategizing for these impending rule changes, feel free to connect with me (Mike Golaszewski) or any member of the Collabry team!


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